Miles Elam
Miles last logged in about 4 years ago.
- 2020/08/17 20 Years of Ubiquitous Rust
- 2019/07/29 Micro Extensions Expand State of Emergency
- 2019/03/22 Web Auth; Predicting Wind; Anti-Vax Videos
- 2019/03/07 Software: Android, Ruby, ORM, & Podcasting
- 2019/03/05 Social Responsibility
- 2019/03/01 Fake Images Undergo Existential Crisis
- 2019/02/23 Updating Broken Laptops with Bad Languages
- 2018/11/26 Supersonic Git Mansplains to Facebook
- 2018/09/24 Robot Apologizes for cutting Antenna with Chainsaw ARM
- 2018/08/20 Martian Telescope Senses Wrecked Teslas
- 2018/07/09 Hate Speech and Mistrust of Pseudo AI are a matter of Timing
- 2018/07/02 Mapping Database Abuse with Better Apps
- 2018/06/29 Public Domain Brains Program Siri
- 2018/05/25 Illuminating the Pentagon's Bumper Sticker for Bitcoins
- 2018/05/14 Self Destructing Solar Powered Chrome Extensions
- 2018/04/25 Augment your Pictures at Ikea
- 2018/04/15 Self-driving Robot Fooled by Facebook
- 2018/02/16 John Barlow Secures Verizon's Bitcoins
- 2018/02/09 Japanese Teapot Maps Super Mario
- 2018/01/26 Amazon Goes with Busses after Australian Meltdown
- 2018/01/05 GitHub's Prince Hates Hijacking Slow iPhones
- 2017/12/08 Re-Run... Kevin Mitnick, The Art of Deception
- 2017/12/01 Facebook isn't Neutral about Pokemon Nazis
- 2017/11/17 Scambot Hijacks Scott Kelly's Exoskeleton
- 2017/11/10 Mr. Starcraft goes to Washington
- 2017/11/03 Big Tablets Change Russian Dungeons
- 2017/10/27 Go Modem Divides FBI into Two Factors
- 2017/09/29 Wifi, Bluetooth, and GPS purchase Racist Ads on Facebook
- 2017/09/21 All Your Database Are Belong To Us
- 2017/09/15 Tesla Jacks Equifax's Ultrasonic Pot
- 2017/09/08 Microwaves and Micro RNA Patch Pacemakers
- 2017/09/01 Babylonian NSA Finds Tiny Antennas at Whole Foods
- 2017/08/25 Maine Votes to Watermark Bullying
- 2017/07/28 Nordic Passwords are made from Chips, Salt, Fat, Paint, and Zombies
- 2017/07/14 Typos Force Arbitration of Big O Notation
- 2017/06/23 Broken Genome Tracks Girl Scouts; Live!!
- 2017/06/02 OneLogin Collapses Playground Exit
- 2017/05/24 Alternative Energy & Alternative Security
- 2017/05/17 Treble the Ransom for Unicode's Watch
- 2017/05/10 Billboard Radiation pulls HandBrake on Antivirus Jobs
- 2017/05/03 Correcting Greyhound's Bug Harassment
- 2017/04/26 China Tutors Uber for Pennies
- 2017/04/19 Calls BS on 30 Year Old Whopper AI
- 2017/04/12 Linux Bricks Siri with Fake Tractor
- 2017/04/05 Recycled Rocket Tracks AMPed up Uber
- 2017/03/15 Martian Spuds Neutral on Daylight Saving Time
- 2017/03/01 Pigeons Hire Robots to Hash Uber
- 2017/02/22 Sexist Robotic Taxpayers Smell Insecure Phones
- 2017/02/15 Transmitting your Thoughts Through Time and Space
- 2017/01/11 Yahoo Shoots the Batteries in Uber's VW
- 2017/01/07 Thanks Alexa, Go Sue my Car.
- 2016/12/14 Uber Hating Router Didn't go Nova on Twitter
- 2016/12/07 USB will Download Your Credit Card
- 2016/11/30 Fake Color Minvan Blows Wind in Denmark
- 2016/11/16 Hackers Claim Fake News is Ageist
- 2016/11/09 Starcraft Bots Profit from Archived Racism
- 2016/10/26 AI Strikes over Internet of Things’ Accessibility
- 2016/10/19 Obama's Bot Fact Checks Cooled Diversity
- 2016/10/12 Samsung’s Map of Police Complaints Doomed
- 2016/10/05 Jack Reviews Mirai's Password
- 2016/09/28 Democratic Censorship Unplugs Zip-gun
- 2016/09/21 We-Vibe's Update increases Battery Range to reach New York
- 2016/09/14 Facebook's USB Causes Legal DOOM
- 2016/08/24 Space Gates Gawks at Giant Aircraft
- 2016/08/17 Hidden Figures RAID Code 42 for HIV vulnerability
- 2016/08/10 Russian Trolls Hunt Pokemon on Tall Busses
- 2016/08/03 Machines Elect to Shut Down Dolly's Sisters
- 2016/07/27 How Many Burritos to Automate a VCR?
- 2016/07/13 To The Moon, Pokemon!!!
- 2016/07/06 Code Talkers Orbit Jupiter in VR
- 2016/06/22 Nuclear powered file allocation tables help in brain training Barbies
- 2016/06/15 Carbonated Elements Thank Asimov for Automating Jobs
- 2016/05/25 Shining Sunlight on the FBI’s Backspace Button
- 2016/05/18 Kids Caught on Mic Reading Kepler’s Poem
- 2016/05/11 Qubits Cause Podcast Cancer
- 2016/04/30 Firefighting Battery Podcasts with Lab Mice
- 2016/04/09 Want to Convert your Flower Pots into Drones? Ask Siri!
- 2016/04/02 Tay Tweets on FBI’s Phone Via Roller Coaster
- 2016/03/26 Node goes Nova over Marketing of GMO Pizzas
- 2016/03/05 Squirrel’s Comic Font Illustrates Google Car Crash
- 2016/02/27 Thea Cook Archives the FBI’s Encrypted Data Forever
- 2016/02/13 Gaming the Laws on Cockroach Repair
- 2016/02/06 Government Scanning ABTests
- 2016/01/30 Netflix Takes Broadband to the Broken Screen
- 2016/01/16 Enigma Translates SSL Certs using The Force
- 2016/01/09 Reusable WiFi Checks Out IPv6
- 2016/01/02 Perl’s First Stage of Net Neutrality is Swift
- 2015/12/19 Big Solar Sends Kids to the AI Mine
- 2015/11/14 Vader Statue Pwns HTTPS
- 2015/10/31 Life, Memory, and the art of Phoning it in
- 2015/10/24 Warrant-less Flashing Kills Drone’s Battery
- 2015/10/10 Fermi & Snowden- The Ethics of Trucking Chip-cards
- 2015/10/03 Wet Martians Teach Their Cars to Program
- 2015/09/19 Touchy Feely Phone Hacks DoE with Science!
- 2015/09/05 Self-driving Police Drones Moon Their 80GB Drives
- 2015/08/22 Qapla! Klingons Swipe Superconductors from Mindful Geeks
- 2015/07/25 Depressed Flying Death Machine Cheats on Bacon-Weed
- 2015/07/18 Arrr! Freebooters will Block your Tweets, Ladies
- 2015/07/11 Aussie's Carpool to Pluto using IPv6
- 2015/01/24 Vaccine for False News Available on Skymaul
- 2015/01/17 SpaceX Gets Warm Looks from Apple
- 2015/01/10 Poker Game at CES Shakes up OSX
- 2015/01/03 Giants Take Up Robotic Arms in Cyber War
- 2014/12/20 "Psychic" Birds Wiretap Sony's Lava Cellphone
- 2014/12/06 Feeling Video of the Police with AI
- 2014/11/22 Barbie Gives the NSA a Virus
- 2014/11/15 Telling the Truth About E.T.'s Net Neutrality
- 2014/11/08 Jammed Bat Collides with Cognitive Bias
- 2014/11/01 Virginia Gives Cloud Voting the Finger
- 2014/10/04 Where Augmented Radio Has Pride
- 2014/09/27 Drones Bash Microwaved Internet Censorship
- 2014/09/20 Minecraft Goes Catphishing on the Moon
- 2014/09/13 Credit Card Swiping is Dumb
- 2014/09/06 Podcasts, Diapers, and Death Threats
- 2014/08/30 Ice-water on Your Kid's Screen Time
- 2014/08/23 Burning Man Takes Public Domain Monkey Selfie
- 2014/08/16 Post-Singularity, Comcast Will Harasses Itself
- 2014/08/09 HTTPS: Science Fiction vs. Science Fact
- 2014/07/26 FCC Unlocks Verizon for Netflix Keyboards
- 2014/07/19 Node.js Packages Noriega's Cratering Verizon Service
- 2014/06/28 Solar Thermal Aggregates Medical Data at 60fps
- 2014/06/21 Ikea's Sad that You're Buying Plastic Bitcoins, Yo
- 2014/04/19 Falling Rock Arrested for Fake Iapetus Tweets
- 2014/03/15 OK Google, Tell the Patient to Say "Ah"
- 2014/03/08 Upgrade Your Jacket's Porn Filters With Pennies
- 2014/03/01 Mt. Gox Can't Afford the $25 Phone
- 2014/02/22 Sadistically Trolling Neutron Stars with Unintended Acceleration
- 2014/02/15 Jade Rabbit Horoscope: You will Learn to Program
- 2014/02/08 The Game of Tech Life
- 2014/02/01 Dark Matter Has a Bucky Ball on the Moon
- 2014/01/25 Ukraine's Outage Executes Quantum Timestamp
- 2014/01/18 Fish Eats Floppy Plane on Mac's 30th Aniversery
- 2014/01/05 Waze Reports: Cloudy with a Chance of Pananoia Redux
- 2013/10/12 Lavabit Touches Passwords with Solar-Powered CAT Scanner
- 2013/06/15 Waze Reports: Cloudy with a Chance of Pananoia
- 2013/06/01 Wireless Martian Water Installs Rootkit
- 2013/04/13 Pecha Kucha, Perception, Population, Patches, and Privacy
- 2013/02/23 Robot Drinks, Rails Problems, JS ASM
- 2012/12/29 Gamification Ion Slime in Your Email Automagically
- 2012/12/01 Syria Denies Access to Microsoft Quick-Release Antivirus Land Mines
- 2012/11/17 Insecure Androids in Space
- 2012/11/10 Beluga Whale Reports Narwhal Beats Orca
- 2012/11/03 Humans Programing and Awesome Humans Vote
- 2012/10/20 JavaScript Everywhere
- 2012/10/13 We don't need no stinking rocket engine!
- 2012/10/06 Orbiting Gold Artifacts in the Rough
- 2012/09/29 Science: The Party Pooper
- 2012/09/22 Art History without Art, a 10 Year Old, Learning to Program, and Book Reviews
- 2012/09/15 IE doesn't even fix Eagle Beaks
- 2012/09/08 Supporting women in open technology and culture
- 2012/08/18 Editors, Keyboards, and Ctrl-V
- 2012/08/11 Hacker Dojo
- 2012/08/04 Games, Gals, and the Gallantry Gap
- 2012/07/21 Trolling Al Qaeda
- 2012/07/14 Privacy, Titan, NY Wifi and Dangers Over Engineering
- 2012/07/07 Quantum Astronomical Quotidian
- 2012/06/30 Astroid ePaper Pizza
- 2012/06/16 I can see clearly now
- 2012/06/09 Internet TV up in Flame
- 2012/06/02 Banana Equivalent Dosage
- 2012/05/26 Superhydrophobic or Raspberry Pink Dogs
- 2012/05/19 Bar Scene, There's an App for That
- 2012/05/05 Search Engins for the People
- 2012/04/28 Ummm Network, You Look a Little Bloated
- 2012/04/21 Games to Help Depressed Batteries Go Mach 20
- 2012/04/14 Enterprising Cosmic Whale Vomit
- 2012/04/07 Free Speech of Yoctograms and Planets
- 2012/03/31 Garth Sundem, Science, and Space Mummies
- 2012/03/24 Remember to Wear Your Seatbelts on the Internet
- 2012/03/03 Warped: Drives, Speech, and Space Cups
- 2012/02/18 Privacy Pshaw!
- 2012/02/11 Prom Week Game
- 2012/02/04 Technical Difficulties
- 2012/01/28 Easy Privacy Come, Easy Privacy Go
- 2012/01/21 SOPA Dead!
- 2012/01/07 GeekSpeak Resolutions
- 2011/12/31 Even Dead People are Against SOPA
- 2011/12/17 Messing up with Magnets, Copyright, and Siri
- 2011/12/10 Fire-Breathing Ponies and Climate Change
- 2011/12/03 No Reason At All
- 2011/11/26 Tracking Loans, License Plates, and Heat
- 2011/11/19 I, For One, Welcome Our DNS Censor Overlords
- 2011/11/05 November 5th, Shmomember 5th!
- 2011/10/29 Desalinate 7 Billion Brain Simulations
- 2011/10/15 Dennis Ritchie, You Will Be Sorely Missed
- 2011/10/08 So Long and Thanks For All the iPods.
- 2011/10/01 Kindles and Other Stuff
- 2011/09/24 Blurry, Soggy, Black Holes Now Available from E-Libraries
- 2011/09/17 Exoplanets in Hexadecimal
- 2011/09/10 Flywheels and Data Centers
- 2011/08/27 Who Watches the Watchers' Mac Addresses?
- 2011/08/20 MineCraft Super Cookies
- 2011/08/06 Face Matching Hacking Body Scanning
- 2011/07/30 Glowing Dogs Fetching Public Keys
- 2011/07/23 Google+ Spotify = Great Show
- 2011/07/09 Rare Earth Space Kindles
- 2011/07/02 A Social Barometer: Google+ Facebook-
- 2011/06/25 616: The Number of the Beast
- 2011/06/18 Nuclear Teenagers and Security Failures
- 2011/06/11 Well of Course the Black Mutant Dies
- 2011/06/04 Copyright and Mickey Mouse's Long Tail
- 2011/05/21 Miles is Always Right
- 2011/05/14 Google, Facebook, and Skype, oh my!
- 2011/05/07 One-sided Conversations with Admiral Ackbar
- 2011/04/30 The Questionable Science of Royal Weddings
- 2011/04/23 Password is Bad
- 2011/04/16 NASA Shuttles Retire and Robots Regret XXX AT-AT
- 2011/04/09 Black Hole Submarine Not Worth Saving
- 2011/03/19 Earth and Environmental Science Baby!
- 2011/03/12 10-Gallon Cranium Unit
- 2011/03/05 Pledge drives don't bug me..
- 2011/02/26 Eye Strain for Search Transparency
- 2011/02/19 Radioactive Tree Sharks in Space
- 2011/02/12 Snip, Burn, Solder, Shred
- 2011/02/05 Black holes and Babies on Robots in Stitches
- 2011/01/22 Going Tech Potty at Solar Speeds
- 2011/01/15 What's Your Sign? (Mine is USB)
- 2011/01/08 Vaccinating Against 241543903 Live
- 2011/01/01 1-1-11
- 2010/12/25 Molten Solar Salt Powered Christmas
- 2010/12/11 A Railgun for Ada
- 2010/12/04 Santa Cruz Holiday Parade
- 2010/11/27 Robotic Car, DNS Security and Sewing Machines
- 2010/11/20 Security Theater
- 2010/11/13 Hybrid Hard Drives
- 2010/11/06 Happy Birthday Asimo!
- 2010/10/23 Plastics: Recycle But Don't Inhale
- 2010/10/16 Voting by Tractor Beams
- 2010/10/09 Privacy and Bee-Mysteries
- 2010/09/25 Air Purification and a Whole Lot of Flapping
- 2010/09/18 Diamonds, Pi, and Legos
- 2010/09/11 Half Side of the Moon
- 2010/09/04 Geek Birthdays All Around
- 2010/08/28 Face GPS and So's Your Face
- 2010/08/21 Moon-Shrinking Antimatter Toothbrush
- 2010/08/14 Death is Screwed Up
- 2010/08/07 A Cappella DefCon
- 2010/07/31 Security and News
- 2010/07/24 Gaming Renewable Energy Without Bias
- 2010/07/17 Robots and Moon Milage
- 2010/06/26 6 Squared equals 36 Geeks
- 2010/06/19 Travelling with TripIt
- 2010/06/12 Made by Hand, Mark Frauenfelder
- 2010/06/05 Some say "Skepticism" is the Topic
- 2010/05/22 Google, God, and Geeks
- 2010/05/15 Hey, That's My Phone!
- 2010/05/08 Claustrophobic Net Neutrality in Space
- 2010/05/01 Lyle isn't Spineless
- 2010/04/17 An Embarrassment of Geeks
- 2010/04/10 A Leak Too Far?
- 2010/03/27 Printers Are Evil
- 2010/03/20 Translating Fearful Viruses
- 2010/03/13 Tasty Hydrophobic Explosive URLs
- 2010/03/06 Leaving Google and Supporting KUSP
- 2010/02/27 Death of IE6 and Enhance iTunes
- 2010/02/20 A Mouthful of USB
- 2010/01/30 Google paying for Bugs
- 2010/01/23 Liquid Diamonds and Cold Eyeballs
- 2010/01/16 USB PSA, CC, China IE woes
- 2010/01/09 Lithium and Five New Planets
- 2010/01/02 Resurrecting Goats and Steel Velcro
- 2009/12/26 Cellphones in Tunnels and Brain Implants
- 2009/12/19 Some Radiation is Not Fun
- 2009/12/12 Confirmation Bias
- 2009/11/28 Paying for Space-y News
- 2009/11/21 2012 Ends Mixed Nutz
- 2009/11/14 Water Confirmed on Moon!
- 2009/11/07 Rogue Amoeba Geek
- 2009/10/31 Physical Flex and Spooky Tech
- 2009/10/24 Water Election Software Car
- 2009/10/10 Stop the Robot Overlords
- 2009/09/19 Blood Bot and Oklahoma High
- 2009/09/12 Evolution of Facebook Battery Algae
- 2009/09/05 Paper Video and Snow Leopard
- 2009/08/22 Swarming SQL Inject Robots with Cruzio
- 2009/08/15 Drobo, Drobo, Drobo
- 2009/08/01 Transparent Al and BayFed Security
- 2009/07/04 Robots, Hulu, and You
- 2009/06/27 NASA Twiddles the Knob With Imperial Units
- 2009/06/13 Geeks Going to the Dogs
- 2009/05/30 iPhone Applications
- 2009/05/16 Guns Don't Kill People, Robots Do
- 2009/04/25 Exoplanetary Bluetooth Burkas
- 2009/04/18 The Network with Aaron Hughes
- 2009/04/11 Swimming in a Sea of Internet Fraud
- 2009/04/04 Visual Effects with Mark Christiansen
- 2009/03/28 Mobile Geeks and Green Tech
- 2009/03/14 Pi, Polka, Cheese, and David Merrill
- 2009/03/07 Pluto Emotions, Star Trek Geekery and More
- 2009/02/28 NextSpace and Helicopters
- 2009/02/21 Cats on Facebook playing Pong with Wifi
- 2009/02/07 Web Cams and GeekNews
- 2009/01/31 Santa Cruz Geeks with Sean Tario
- 2009/01/24 Lightroom 2, Digital Asset Management
- 2009/01/17 Photoshop CS4
- 2009/01/03 Geek Tech for 2009
- 2008/12/27 2008 Technology in Review
- 2008/12/20 Geeky Gifts and Geek News
- 2008/12/13 GeekSpeak Without a Safety Net (Lyle is on vacation)
- 2008/12/06 Free Cycle, Reuse Stuff
- 2008/11/29 GeekSpeak Rick Rolled
- 2008/11/22 Adaptive Computing
- 2008/11/15 SUVs on Mars
- 2008/11/08 Tequila into Diamonds
- 2008/11/01 Not Thumb Wrestling
- 2008/09/20 Geeking With Computer Voice
- 2008/07/19 The Ultimate CSS GeekSpeak
- 2008/07/12 Jay Lake's 'Escapement' and 'Mainspring'
- 2008/06/28 Mars Ice and Portable Bikes
- 2008/06/07 Notary Public in a Notable Republic
- 2008/05/31 Software Development Tools
- 2008/05/24 Sound We Can't Hear and GeekNews
- 2008/05/03 Toast 9, Burning on a Mac
- 2008/04/26 Maker Faire 2008
- 2008/04/19 You Want My DNA To Do What?!
- 2008/04/12 Tech News of the Week
- 2008/04/05 Black Holes of Humor
- 2008/03/15 Pledge Drive Give Away
- 2008/03/08 Blu-Ray DVD Won!
- 2008/03/01 Ridesharing Social Application
- 2008/02/23 Intensely Small
- 2008/02/16 Blu-ray is Photographic
- 2008/02/09 Arrows, Sunroofs, and Microsoft
- 2008/02/02 Richard Stallman on Free Software
- 2007/12/22 Gifts for Geeks
- 2007/12/01 Comcast and Leopard on Rails
- 2007/11/17 Power Issues: Government, Monitors, and Laptops
- 2007/11/10 Did You Get My Message? Can You Understand Me?
- 2007/10/27 Leopard, News and Calls
- 2007/10/06 RIAA's Judgment and Compact Fluorescents
- 2007/09/22 Podcasting with Grammar Girl
- 2007/09/01 Social Networking
- 2007/08/18 Tech in Conflict and Stars with Tails
- 2007/08/04 GeekNews and Mobile Geek
- 2007/07/28 Radio Power, Wind Power, and Voting Power
- 2007/07/07 Energy Woes for Cars, iPhones, and Rovers
- 2007/06/23 Where's my Flying Car?
- 2007/06/16 HD Radio, Digital Drive
- 2007/05/26 Using Vista and Traffic Video Ownership
- 2007/03/17 Pledging the Good Fight
- 2007/03/10 Encyclopedias Battling Liberal Bias
- 2007/03/03 IDC Consumer Internet Market Space
- 2007/02/17 Tracking Drive Reliability and Late Gadgets
- 2007/01/20 Bad People Use (Your) Computers
- 2006/12/30 2007 Predictions and Robot Deer Take-Over
- 2006/12/23 2006: The Good, the Bad, and the Geeky
- 2006/12/16 Photoshop CS3, Gaming Rapture, and Wireless Power
- 2006/12/02 Inside the Machine with Jon Stokes
- 2006/10/28 Bright, Shiny, and New
- 2006/10/21 Solar Mike and Zombies Are Among Us
- 2006/10/07 The Real and Imaginary History of Algebra
- 2006/09/23 Hacktivismo, BrowserCache and VistaDisca
- 2006/09/09 GeekSpeak Banter with the Geeks
- 2006/09/02 Chipsets, Laptops, the Moon and Geeks
- 2006/08/26 What is Pluto Again?
- 2006/07/01 Geek News and Calls
- 2006/03/25 The Infrant ReadyNAS NV Network Attached Storage Device
- 2006/01/07 Space Update, Online Music/Video and Calls
- 2005/11/25 FBI Software
- 2005/11/11 Geek Call-In Show
- 2005/11/04 Geek Call-In Show
- 2005/10/28 Future Media
- 2005/10/21 Role-Playing Games
- 2005/10/14 Gordon Mah Ung of Maximum PC Magazine
- 2005/10/07 Next-Generation Internet Phone Technologies
- 2005/09/30 Shayne Bowman, Digital Asset Management
- 2005/09/23 David Moir on Photography
- 2005/09/16 Photoshop CS2: One-on-One
- 2005/09/09 Digital Asset Management for Photographers
- 2005/09/02 Digital Photography Pocket Guide
- 2005/08/19 David Lawrence and GeekSpeak
- 2005/08/12 Digital Copyright
- 2005/08/05 Security and Computer Ease
- 2005/07/29 E-Waste
- 2005/07/15 General Geek
- 2005/06/17 Home DSL Setup
- 2005/06/03 Technology Challenged
- 2005/04/22 Solar Home
- 2005/04/15 All about Processors
- 2005/04/08 Adobe Photoshop CS2 (Pledge Drive)
- 2005/04/01 ReadyNAS, Network Storage (Pledge Drive)
- 2005/03/04 GeekNews and Calls
- 2005/01/21 Geek News and Taking Calls
- 2005/01/07 Storage, Network Storage
- 2004/12/24 Geek News and Tech Calls
- 2004/12/17 Hand Held Hardware
- 2004/12/10 Geeky Gifts
- 2004/12/03 Technically Offensive Technology
- 2004/11/05 DigiBarn's Maze Retrospective
- 2004/10/29 Electronic Voting
- 2004/10/22 Geek Math
- 2004/10/15 GeekNews and Tech Calls: Pledge Drive
- 2004/10/08 Geek News and Tech Calls
- 2004/10/01 GeekNews and Tech Calls
- 2004/09/24 Technical Difficulties
- 2004/09/17 Adobe Products
- 2004/09/10 Digital Radio
- 2004/09/03 LavaRock
- 2004/08/27 Combating Adware, Spyware and Internet Scams
- 2004/08/20 Geek Call-In
- 2004/08/13 Windows XP Hacks and Service Pack 2 with Preston Gralla
- 2004/08/06 Internet Cable in Santa Cruz
- 2004/07/30 ComicCon 2004
- 2004/07/23 Coffee and Internet Cafes
- 2004/07/09 Call-In
- 2004/07/02 Long-Term Storage Strategies and Technologies
- 2004/06/25 The Cassini-Huygens Spacecraft and the Mysteries of Saturn and Titan
- 2004/06/18 Flash Mob Computing
- 2004/06/11 Call-in
- 2004/06/04 Digital Photography with Derrick Story
- 2004/05/28 Digital Photography with Ken Milburn
- 2004/05/21 California Virtual Campus
- 2004/04/30 Avoiding Online Fraud
- 2004/04/23 Combatting SPAM
- 2004/04/16 Virus Protection
- 2004/04/09 Home Networks
- 2004/04/02 Practicing Safe Emailing
- 2004/03/26 TKO Game Developer
- 2004/03/12 The Geeks Answer Your Calls and Emails
- 2004/03/05 NVIDIA nForce Technology
- 2004/02/27 Deepfried Music
- 2004/02/20 Photoshop CS
- 2004/02/13 Nuclear Energy
- 2004/02/06 Hand Held Happenings
- 2004/01/30 DBMS
- 2004/01/16 Geek Call-in
- 2003/12/26 Child Development Technology
- 2003/12/19 Gadget Gifts
- 2003/12/12 AMD
- 2003/12/05 Inside Intel
- 2003/11/28 Classic Geek - Call-In
- 2003/11/21 Classic Geek - Call-in and COMDEX
- 2003/11/14 Panther
- 2003/11/07 Call In
- 2003/10/24 Pledge Drive
- 2003/10/03 Digital Camera Sensor
- 2003/09/12 Digital Prints
- 2003/09/05 Digital Photography
- 2003/08/29 Macromedia Flash
- 2003/08/22 Image Resolution
- 2003/08/15 Mapping Mars
- 2003/08/08 Maxtor Hard Drives
- 2003/08/01 Phones and Call-in
- 2003/07/11 Dedi to the ITP at NYU
- 2003/07/04 Panther OS X.3 and Calls
- 2003/06/20 Iron Science Teacher
- 2003/06/13 Data Backup
- 2003/06/06 Data Recovery
- 2003/05/30 Digital Divas
- 2003/05/23 Adobe Acrobat
- 2003/05/16 Geek Call-In
- 2003/05/09 ATM Security
- 2003/05/02 Call-In Help
- 2003/04/25 IC Design with Paul McGrath
- 2003/04/18 Home Network Installation
- 2003/04/11 Adobe Website Creation Industry
- 2003/04/04 Digital Arts Festival: Santa Cruz
- 2003/03/28 Preempted: Web Site Authoring and SVG
- 2003/03/21 Preempted: Web Site Authoring and SVG
- 2003/03/14 Game Developer's Conference
- 2003/02/28 High-Tech Job Searching
- 2003/02/21 Processor Technical Challenges
- 2003/02/07 Network Security with Chey Cobb
- 2003/01/27 Plantronics- Headsets
- 2003/01/20 Small Web Dev Survival
- 2003/01/13 Web Accessibility
- 2003/01/06 Geeks Take Your Calls
- 2002/09/30 The State of Hard Drives with Segate