GeekSpeak Podcast
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Brian Young
Brian last logged in 5 months ago.
Brian was involved in these episodes
2023/06/06 Large Language Models and Human Minds
2019/07/29 Micro Extensions Expand State of Emergency
2019/03/05 Social Responsibility
2019/03/01 Fake Images Undergo Existential Crisis
2019/02/23 Updating Broken Laptops with Bad Languages
2018/12/29 Computational Medicine
2018/11/26 Supersonic Git Mansplains to Facebook
2018/09/24 Robot Apologizes for cutting Antenna with Chainsaw ARM
2018/07/02 Mapping Database Abuse with Better Apps
2018/06/29 Public Domain Brains Program Siri
2018/01/19 on Social Media with Manton Reece
2018/01/05 GitHub's Prince Hates Hijacking Slow iPhones
2017/07/14 Typos Force Arbitration of Big O Notation
2017/07/07 AIs get Burned Out on AR
2017/06/30 Hamilton Sizes up Interactive Luggage
2017/06/23 Broken Genome Tracks Girl Scouts; Live!!
2017/06/16 Democratic JSON Feeds Humanity
2017/06/02 OneLogin Collapses Playground Exit
2017/04/19 Calls BS on 30 Year Old Whopper AI
2017/04/12 Linux Bricks Siri with Fake Tractor
2017/03/15 Martian Spuds Neutral on Daylight Saving Time
2017/02/08 Hacking Politics with Sensitive AIs
2017/02/01 Microblog Injections will Lyft your Chimera
2017/01/18 Rendering RSS on Windows
2017/01/07 Thanks Alexa, Go Sue my Car.
2016/12/28 Intelligent Cloud Services from the Basement
2016/09/14 Facebook's USB Causes Legal DOOM
2016/08/31 Siri Calls a Cab for Nextdoor’s Airline School
2016/08/10 Russian Trolls Hunt Pokemon on Tall Busses
2016/07/20 Pokemon Drives Terror App to Airbnb
2016/07/06 Code Talkers Orbit Jupiter in VR
2016/06/22 Nuclear powered file allocation tables help in brain training Barbies
2016/06/01 $20,000 iPod Screams in ALL CAPS
2016/05/18 Kids Caught on Mic Reading Kepler’s Poem
2016/05/11 Qubits Cause Podcast Cancer
2016/05/07 The Fellowship of the Geeks
2016/04/23 Synchronised SNES Bikes to Troll’s Nest
2016/02/27 Thea Cook Archives the FBI’s Encrypted Data Forever
2016/01/23 Throttling Bitcoins at the Back Door
2016/01/16 Enigma Translates SSL Certs using The Force
2016/01/09 Reusable WiFi Checks Out IPv6
2016/01/02 Perl’s First Stage of Net Neutrality is Swift
2015/12/19 Big Solar Sends Kids to the AI Mine
2015/11/28 Geeks State "To the Moon, iPad Pro"
2015/11/14 Vader Statue Pwns HTTPS
2015/11/07 Coin Card Senses Internet of Things’ Vulnerabilities
2015/10/31 Life, Memory, and the art of Phoning it in
2015/10/24 Warrant-less Flashing Kills Drone’s Battery
2015/10/17 Zombie Scans Detroit, Shoots Volvo
2015/10/03 Wet Martians Teach Their Cars to Program
2015/09/19 Touchy Feely Phone Hacks DoE with Science!
2015/09/12 Use 3D Keys to Cheat on your Passwords
2015/09/05 Self-driving Police Drones Moon Their 80GB Drives
2015/08/29 Chefs Smuggle Updates off your Roof
2015/08/22 Qapla! Klingons Swipe Superconductors from Mindful Geeks
2015/08/15 Fifteen Years of GeekSpeak
2015/08/08 Windows Expert Hacks 'Droid Rifle at RAMming speed
2015/08/01 Updated Drones Swarm Earth 2
2015/07/18 Arrr! Freebooters will Block your Tweets, Ladies
2015/07/04 Internet Access Sucks? Try More Fibre
2015/06/27 Want Encrypted Ads? Read the Book!
2015/06/20 Lastpass takes Hyperloop to Private Conference
2015/06/06 Hola! Photos and PGP; Adios Car Ownership
2015/04/25 Educating Droids on Computer Security
2015/04/18 Maine Police Watch for Rude Texts
2015/04/11 Story Corps Reflects on Discrimination During Roadtrip
2015/04/04 Tsunami of Sound Turns Moon Pitch Black
2014/06/07 Pepper Dies in Superlative Flying Car Notification
2013/12/07 Drone Hacking Warp Drives
2013/10/05 Tesla Bristles at Flaming Plutonium Shortage
2013/09/14 Cops Hack Journalists During Interstellar Self-Driving Cab Ride
2013/09/07 Authentic Prototype Encryption Authorizes 3D Tools
2013/08/17 Brainwaves Mapping the TARDIS while Google Bounces Batteries to Mars
2011/05/28 Getting Ready for Geek-Dad-Day