Fellow software engineer Kyle Bahr joins me for a good metaphoric description of Block Chain Tech. Why does Bitcoin burn so much power and are all crypto currencies like that? Also a look at what other neat things are being done using bitcoin technology. And how smart contracts work. Learn a bit about initial coin offerings (ICO) and get a good general understanding of crypto currencies without any math nor too many complex terms.
This week’s episode is dedicated to John Perry Barlow; Writer, Lyricist, and Internet Freedom pioneer.
On the show we look into Google Chrome’s move to label unsecured sites, Verizon’s trouble with phone thefts, and speak in depth on cryptocurrencies.
Days after the launch of the world’s smallest orbital rocket SpaceX is set to launch a Tesla Roadster into space. Meanwhile, Strava has accidentally mapped out secret bases around the world, and the Slomo Guys demonstrated the differences in TV technology at 380,000 frames per second.