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Alternative Energy & Alternative Security

Electricity abounds without proportional CO2 output, where to draw the line with online comments, and code in uncomfortable places. All this and more with Lyle and Miles in this week in geek news.

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Treble the Ransom for Unicode's Watch

We chat about Unicode probably too much, but we also chat about a new Android foundation, WCry, Google Email tricks, Graphing Calculator on the outs, Apple’s watch saving your life and a bit more here and there.

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Billboard Radiation pulls HandBrake on Antivirus Jobs

Radioactive Jovian followup, Dallas Sirens followup, billboards for corrupt lawmakers, antivirus software fails, GeekSpeak LIVE, Automation and Jobs, HandBreak compromise, Facebook Interns make bank, Facebook culture, and some Regex love in the post-show.

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Correcting Greyhound's Bug Harassment

SpaceX awesome, Greyhound.com bad dog, WWW for all, Pentagon using Win95, Tesla like Uber, Facebook creepy ads, Cassini images, robots that build, and a post show of Postgres time formats, and more.