Web tutorials bake in vulnerabilities, coins suck, China space, Iris scan to pay Galaxy, Uber – lots of Uber, they are worse then coins, use a different search engine, Brave browser, BrickerBot, and Facebook cleaning thoughts.
The various facets of artificial intelligence, history of telecommunication, how political views are affected by internet access, and how to spot BS effectively. Lyle, Brian, and Miles discuss all this and more in the week’s news.
iOS Software on Windows 10, Ubuntu lack of Unity, Vis of Linux Kernel Dev, Someone hacked Dallas Sirens, Tech and the Fake Market tactic, beginner’s eGPU guide, Farmers vs Tractor secrets, and a bit about well water woes and coding.
Gender and Race in Tech in Silicon Valley, plus FCC cuts, SpaceX, Enceladus, Eye tracking Piano, AMP is bad, Uber woes, iOS 10.3.1 again, Trump Script, and more news of the week.