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Hany Farid, Digital Image Detective with Robert Pollie of The 7th Avenue Project

Regularly on GeekSpeak Lyle speaks about Robert’s wonderful radio show The 7th Avenue Project
With Miles and Lyle away, you get the pleasure of one of Robert’s geekier episodes: a conversation with computer scientist and photo fakery expert Hany Farid. Robert and Hany discussed the ways that digital retouching (e.g., Photoshop) has altered our relation to photography.

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Insecure Androids in Space

The geeks cover the week in geek news, and take your calls.

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Beluga Whale Reports Narwhal Beats Orca

Political problems in tech, friction discussion, New Bowing 787, Apple awarded design patten ridiculous, MPAA wants inside your home, Steam for Linux and more news plus calls from listeners.

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Humans Programing and Awesome Humans Vote

Are you an american? Vote on Nov 6th or before! One Laptop Per Child – > Humans are awesome! A debate about weather programing should be taught to everyone like mathematics and literacy. IBM’s Watson goes to med-school. A WWII carrier pigeon is found.

Lyle’s big question: “How do you teach programing”?