Dave Meeker, Director of Emerging Technology at [Roundarch|http://roundarch.com] joins us to chat about connecting Flex to physical devices and other cool things that Roundarch is doing. We also chat about some fun holoweenish stuff.
[Roundarch|http://roundarch.com] designs and implements digital experiences for the world’s largest organizations. They deliver web sites, rich web applications, mobile apps, social media applications, digital marketing campaigns and more for clients such as Avis, A&E, Hershey’s and the US Air Force.
A robot cockroach, a USB Telescope, NASA impacts the Moon, iPod can’t race and Lyle hosts the show from [WAMU|http://wamu.org] in Washington DC.
The geeks fight off an impending robot take over with your donations.
Kid wins suit vs. Amazon, Microsoft Store, an exoplanet rains rocks, a (non) Star Trek Communicator and more GeekSpeak news – plus lots of fun calls!