Mobile geek corrospondents Chris Dunphy, and Cherie Ve Ard join us on the air. The geeks talk about news items, and take calls from listeners with questions and comments about technology.
Walt Schlender will be joining us to discuss Adobe Flash, Flex, Air, Microsoft Silverlight, and how they all fit together.
Walt is a Flex architect and entrepreneur living in Berkeley, CA. He’s been playing with Flash, ActionScript and Flex for the past 3 years. Half that time found him working on a software startup called Mousecloud that tried to connect people in real-time over the internet – currently he’s enjoying helping companies figure out how to build LARGE web applications – over the years he’s played with a lot of cool web technologies and loves talking about how they fit into the real world.
[David Merrill|] joins the Geeks to chat about different forms of interacting with computers. We all know about the keyboard and mouse, but the future is wide open – hey even the now is fairly amazing.
The new Star Trek movie trailer, people still talking about Pluto and more GeekNews.