No Reason At All

Pew Research finds there’s no reason at all to learn about mobile madness malware and the rest of the “Week in Geek” news with Miles, Al and Lyle. Bonus: the triumphant return of the Crazy USB of the Week!

Internet Explorer 10: Windows 7 users need not apply

“Microsoft has released the fourth preview of Internet Explorer 10. As is the case with previous Platform Previews, the release is aimed at developers: the new features are important to those creating rich, complex Web applications, but will have less impact on Web users.”

Google Maps the Indoors

“Google has begun mapping indoor establishments like malls, airports, and retail stores, and today added the first indoor maps to its application for Android. Now, air travelers don’t have to bother with information booths and freestanding maps: Google Maps can show the way to their gate or the nearest coffee shop or bathroom. Turn-by-turn directions aren’t provided, but the maps will show users where they are in relation to nearby landmarks.”

Is a Banana a Berry and Does it Grow on a Bush?

“Yes, the banana fruit is a berry. Berries are identified as being many seeded with a fleshy inner layer. So, technically a banana is a berry. And, believe it or not, bananas don’t grow on trees! Originally from Asia, the ‘banana tree’ is really not a tree in the true sense. In fact, banana plants have no wood fiber. The banana plant is the world’s largest herb and a member of the lily family. Bananas grow in tropical areas all around the world where the weather is sunny and hot, and there’s plenty of rain.”

Apple iOS is safer than Android, McAfee Says

Google’s method of distributing software is more open, but with that openness comes risks. Though Google controls its own Android Market, users can download Android apps from third-party sites just as easily, which may not have the necessary security in place.

Most Adults Go Online for No Particular Reason | Pew Research

A report from Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project found that about 53% of young adults ages 18 to 29 go online on any given day for no particular reason except for a diversion or just for fun. About 81% of people in this demographic said they have done so at least occasionally.

Baby brain and TV, TV wins

A decade ago, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggested that parents limit TV consumption by children under two years of age. The recommendations were based as much on common sense as science, because studies of media consumption and infant development were themselves in their infancy.

The research has finally grown up. And though it’s still ongoing, it’s mature enough for the AAP to release a new, science-heavy policy statement on babies watching television, videos or any other passive media form.

CD exploding 23.000 RPM - YouTube

CD exploding 23.000 RPM

! Geek Bits

Next time someone needs a little perspective, show them [where they stand|] in the scheme of things. Big open spaces not impressive enough? How about [wowing them with history|] of all things.