Sick Wind Farm Games with out Google Reader

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Founders of Gaijin Games, Mike and Alex, join the geeks to chat about game development and play and their new game Runner2, a fun side scrolling platform game.

The End of Google Reader

Google Reader fans put together a petition on the Web site to keep the RSS reader alive, and in a few hours had garnered more than 50,000 signatures.

Google Reader Alternatives

Alternatives for Google Reader, as of March 16, 2013

Adobe shuts down desktop browser testing service BrowserLab without warning

Adobe on Wednesday announced and simultaneously executed its decision to shut down its BrowserLab service, used by many for testing content across multiple desktop platforms. The company pointed its customers to two alternatives: BrowserStack and Sauce Labs.

BrowserLab offered cross-browser testing by producing screenshots of websites from various browsers across Windows and OS X platforms. It was very useful for developers looking to support as many different users as possible.

Ancient Mars Had Conditions Suitable for Life

In a nutshell, Curiosity drilled into a rock to examine it chemically, and found evidence of clay minerals, which form in water. We’ve seen this before on Mars, but another important aspect of this is that it looks like the water that formed these minerals was neutral, not too strongly acidic or basic. Other places on Mars have chemistry that would be hostile to life as we know it, containing molecules like perchlorates that are very reactive with organic molecules; that it; destroying them. Curiosity also found the presence of sulfur, phosphorus, and carbon, all necessary ingredients to make life as we know it.

To be clear, Curiosity did not find evidence of life! It has been looking for organic compounds but has not yet found them.

Windfarm sickness spreads by word of mouth, Australian study finds

Sickness being attributed to wind turbines is more likely to have been caused by people getting alarmed at the health warnings circulated by activists, an Australian study has found.

Complaints of illness were far more prevalent in communities targeted by anti-windfarm groups, said the report’s author, Simon Chapman, professor of public health at Sydney University. His report concludes that illnesses being blamed on windfarms are more than likely caused by the psychological effect of suggestions that the turbines make people ill, rather than by the turbines themselves.