[Yatrips|http://www.yatrips.com/] provides a way for people to easily find and offer car rides. The more people ride-share the more gas is saved and the less traffic on the roads. Learn about social applications and ride-sharing with the Geeks and the guys from Yatrips.
Was Windows Vista [evidence|http://www.news.com/8301-13579_3-9883439-37.html?part=rss&subj=news&tag=2547-1_3-0-20] of [excess baggage|http://www.tomshardware.com/2008/02/29/microsoft_caught_pants_down_in_intel_love_affair_] in the marriage of Microsoft and Intel?
Google offers free voicemail and a phone number to San Francisco homeless to help them get back on their feet.
Reports are streaming in that Blu-Ray and other similar high definition movies may be too much for current battery technology to handle. You may have to plug in that laptop to see if he gets the girl.
! Guests
!!Swami Nathan
Founder, Chairman, and CEO, Yatra Motors, Inc, Swami Nathan is also the co-founder and CEO of GreatPeople Ventures, LLC, one of the leading early stage search firms in the Silicon Valley. In over 12 years, all but one of his portfolio clients are still in business. As an early pioneer in the Home Video Industry, he was the founder and CEO of Universal Vision Systems, Inc. where he designed one of the leading large scale inventory management systems that served companies like Home Box Office and Safeway. As the co-author of Emerging Distribution Models for Interactive Media, published by Apple Computer in 1994, Swami forecast the successful emergence of the DVD three years before its introduction into the market place. He is the inventor of patents (pending) in the area of digital content and delivery.
!! Scott Rozic
Scott heads up development for the Yatrips social ride sharing system. This is the first of several car-related apps and widgets. Scott has over twelve years of experience conceiving, building and shipping web applications. Scott started his career as the founder and CEO of XMarkstheSpot, a performance marketing ad platform that was sold to a public direct marketing company. Scott holds a BS in Finance and Entrepreneurship from the University of Colorado at Boulder.