This week’s episode is dedicated to John Perry Barlow; Writer, Lyricist, and Internet Freedom pioneer.
On the show we look into Google Chrome’s move to label unsecured sites, Verizon’s trouble with phone thefts, and speak in depth on cryptocurrencies.
With a broken heart I have to announce that EFF’s founder, visionary, and our ongoing inspiration, John Perry Barlow, passed away quietly in his sleep this morning. We will miss Barlow and his wisdom for decades to come, and he will always be an integral part of EFF.
Compressing the material and removing some of its polymers can increase its strength tenfold.
Verizon will let customers unlock phones post-sale, but just how isn’t clear yet.
Iceland, the North Atlantic island nation with a population of just 340,000, is powered almost entirely by renewable energy, mostly geothermal, hydroelectric, and wind.
One attack sneaks coin-mining malware onto 4,300 sites. Another targets Android users.
Several top schools have added or are rushing to add classes about Bitcoin and the record-keeping technology that it introduced, known as the blockchain.
In an effort to force websites to better protect their users, the Chrome web browser will label all sites not encrypting traffic as “Not secure” in the web address bar, Google announced Thursday.