AT&T thinks arbitration is awesome. Lyle can’t keep up with the latest Comcast bandwidth. Neilson’s ratings get gamed. The sharing economy doesn’t give back umbrellas. OpenBSD shows the way forward and the geeks put the oh! in to “Big O”.
To avoid AT&T arbitration, your only choice is to not be a customer.
10.6 million homes have no wired access to 25Mbps, 4.9 million can’t get 3Mbps.
If I mistakenly write “NBC Nitely News,” you can probably still tell what program I’m talking about. Nielsen’s automated system can’t, however, and a report Thursday in The Wall Street Journal details how networks are taking advantage of that fact to disguise airings that underperform with viewers.
With bike-sharing companies like Mobike becoming incredibly successful in Chinese cities, a few startups have decided to mimic the concept with shareable umbrellas. The only problem: most of the umbrellas have gone missing.
A new feature added in test snapshots for OpenBSD releases will create a unique kernel every time an OpenBSD user reboots or upgrades his computer.
NeXTSTEP was based on the Mach kernel developed at CMU (Carnegie Mellon University)7 and BSD, an implementation of Unix dating back to the 1970s. It featured an object-oriented programming framework based on the Objective-C language. This environment is known today in the Mac world as Cocoa. It also supported the innovative Enterprise Objects Framework database access layer and WebObjects application server development environment, among other notable features.