The Geeks dump on Comcast, Apple’s Leopard dumps on the Geeks, and the BBC dumps Ruby.
While Ruby on Rails is a great web development environment, the Ruby interpreter turned out to be a little too slow for the BBC’s use. As a result, [the BBC has ported the Rails environment to Perl|] for some extra kick.
For more information about Comcast’s Internet Infringement, check out [EFF’s page |] on the subject.
The Geeks aren’t the only ones noticing issues with Apple’s new [OS|Operating System]. PC Magazine’s Oliver Rist [rants about recent changes in OS X|] by comparing it to Windows Vista.
One of our listeners was experiencing significant performance issues with running Pandora in her browser. An alternative would be to run Pandora in a stand-alone application that you could easily restart at the first sign of performance decrease. Luckily there are at least to easily available options to do just that, one for [Windows|] and one for [Mac OS|] .
! That Pesky 3D Dock
Apple’s new Leopard has an annoying 3D dock which you can disable! Simply open Applications→ Utilities→ Terminal and run…
*! To turn off the 3D dock
*defaults write no-glass -boolean YES; killall Dock
*! To turn on the 3D dock
*defaults write no-glass -boolean NO; killall Dock
The “killall” simply restarts the Dock.