Checkers Game Solved and Linked In

Comic book store in San Jose; database of all possible checkers moves makes a computer unbeatable; Google vs cell phone industry; 25 year computer virus anniversary; next version of Windows is “Seven”, with a three year development cycle; Sean Cleveland on Vista, DirectX 10 coolness and Intel Processor updates; One Laptop Per Child content filtering; — all just some of what we talked about on this diverse episode.

! Calls

  1. Lee from Amsterdam called in to ask about [Linked In|], is it scary or cool. We all use [Linked In|] and think of it as a great way to get in touch with people you have lost track of. And yes, it is kinda scary how much data they have.
  2. Don from Santa Cruz called to ask about banking processes. Basically he asked why banks still call to check on available funds. Over [IM|Instant Messenger] Alex offers that banks are highly regulated by the [FFIEC|Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council] and the FFIEC enforces processes to reduce fraud and limit [money laundering|], and these processes are very strict.
  3. Susan from Seaside told us about her computer (Windows 2000) being infected and what she should do. We suggested trying the [live cd|] version of [Ubuntu|] . We also suggested taking your computer down to your local electronics store, [Santa Cruz Electronics|] is a good option if you live close to it.
  4. Rocky offered his opinion on the One Laptop Per Child issue of content management.