Maker Faire

[Dale Dougherty|] Editor and Publisher of [Make Magazine|] by O’Reilly Media joins the Geeks to talk about their upcoming [Maker Faire|] .

! Uninstall Software, Windows

Sean suggested using ‘msconfig’ to disable software that would normally run at startup.

  1. Go to ‘Start’
  2. Click ‘Run’
  3. Type ‘msconfig’ and hit ‘Enter’
  4. ‘System Configuration Utility’ will start up. Click on the ‘Startup’ tab.
  5. Unclick the items that you do not want to run when your machine starts up.

! Graphics, Gaming, Programming

Tom from Soquel called to ask about a 16 year old who is interested in learning about computer graphics.

We suggested contacting the [Digital Media Factory|] to see if they have intern ships.

Our Guest, Dale, suggested self training and learning. Lyle suggested taking a peak at [Processing|] to get a feel for programing. We also suggest playing with [Blender|].