[Dale Dougherty|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dale_Dougherty] Editor and Publisher of [Make Magazine|http://www.makezine.com/] by O’Reilly Media joins the Geeks to talk about their upcoming [Maker Faire|http://makerfaire.com/] .
! Uninstall Software, Windows
Sean suggested using ‘msconfig’ to disable software that would normally run at startup.
! Graphics, Gaming, Programming
Tom from Soquel called to ask about a 16 year old who is interested in learning about computer graphics.
We suggested contacting the [Digital Media Factory|http://www.digitalmediafactory.net/] to see if they have intern ships.
Our Guest, Dale, suggested self training and learning. Lyle suggested taking a peak at [Processing|http://www.processing.org] to get a feel for programing. We also suggest playing with [Blender|http://www.blender.org/].